Dear Ashihara friends,
I hope you’re all well and that your preparation for the upcoming Sabaki is in full swing, to whom there are short time left.
I want to remind you all, that if at the time you post correctly completed forms, will help championship organizations to be much better and you will make the job easier. For this I ask you to properly complete enrollment, competitor and delegation question form. Note that the photo you send in the stressed resolution be signed with your full name competitors. Coaches of teams also send photo and filled out questionnaires. Judges and Referees send photo without filling out a questionnaire. Supporter not require for photo.

I emphasize once again for all those who need a visa as soon as possible to send the lists of the names of the delegation members as well as the passport number. We informed the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs but you should know that it takes time for granting visas.
Do not send applications for competitors that are not sure that will come, it will make an ugly picture of the winner without a fight and we have to avoid it. However, in the case that some competitor has a justified reason to not come, please call and cancel his arrival, the money paid will be refunded.
Do not forget that we need judges for this competition. Especially judges for Kata.
Dead line for you application is 1 October 2012.
Once again I remind you that all needed information you have at web address
My best regards and Osu!
sensei Svetlan Skenderovski